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The Maui Wildfires, Relief Funds, and Incident Recovery

July 2024

The concept of financial preplanning is often stressed to individuals in terms of savings accounts and life insurance policies. However, some people do not have the financial means to plan for themselves in this way. Likewise, not everyone is able to withstand the impacts of large-scale disasters and their rippling effects. To prepare response and recovery team members for emergencies and disasters, companies and organizations can offer planning and preparedness options to their employees to help mitigate some of the impacts. However, with many potential disasters and possible outcomes, the best preplanning solutions are not always obvious to assist team members. 

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Companies Increasingly Establish Relief Funds to Aid Employees in Crises

July 2024

As climate change continues to bring forth more frequent and intense natural disasters, companies increasingly are setting up employee relief funds to assist employees affected by such events or personal hardships, and to gain a competitive edge in a tight labor market brimming with job hoppers.

Since the devastating hurricanes Maria and Irma in 2017, the earthquakes in 2019 and 2020 and other disasters, many Puerto Rico companies have established employee relief or assistance funds to provide financial support during times of need.

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Supporting Employees Through the Good and Bad

June 2024

Individuals around the world experience devastating and often unforeseen personal hardships every day – whether it be the death of a loved one, a serious illness or injury, or instances of domestic violence. No matter how difficult the hardship is to endure on an emotional level, it can prove almost insurmountable when combined with the financial strain that often accompanies these events.

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Employee Appreciation: Showing Companies Care Year Round

March 2024

Employee Appreciation Day, which falls on the first Friday of March each year, annually recognizes and celebrates the hard work and dedication of employees, regardless of position, location or tenure. Likely many companies across the U.S. honored their teams in some way, and studies have shown that doing so certainly has its benefits.

Employees who feel their employer recognizes their hard work and cares about their wellbeing are 69% less likely to actively search for a job — and five times more likely to advocate for their company as a place to work, according to Gallup. Additionally, according to NectarHR, organizations with strong recognition programs have a 31% lower voluntary turnover rate compared to those with poor recognition efforts. 69% of employees also say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better appreciated. Ultimately, companies can create a more motivated and loyal workforce by demonstrating staff appreciation, which will contribute to overall organizational success.

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Ready to take care of your own?

Offering disaster and hardship relief for your employees can be quick and easy. Our experts are ready to get you started today, and we'll handle all the hard parts along the way.