Measuring our impact.

We often speak to the data surrounding what we do -- the donations received and the grants awarded. But we never forget that behind every number is a real person who we’re helping on their path to recovery.


Every 12 minutes, we help a family in need.

Through rapidly increasing natural disasters, a global pandemic, and heartbreaking personal hardships, we have seen unprecedented levels of uncertainty and need around the world. Through it all, our compassionate team -- supported by advanced technology -- works tirelessly to ensure financial assistance reaches those impacted quickly and efficiently. 



individuals & families helped


in financial assistance provided


The perfect way to give back.

A relief fund relies on support from the sponsoring organization, as well as individual donations made by its partners, employees, and/or the general public. Every donation makes a difference, no matter the amount, and combined with the donations of others, helps to provide grants when they are needed most.

Group 189

in total donations received

    • Corporate donations84%
    • Individual donations16%


    Our network and reach.

    Emergency Assistance Foundation partners with hundreds of companies -- our Fund Partners -- to help their team members who are struggling in the immediate aftermath of a disaster or personal hardship. With well over a decade of experience, we are the oldest and largest standalone charity designed to administer relief funds in this capacity, and we do so on a global scale.


    Helping families around the world recover and rebuild.

    No matter where your employees are located, help is on the way when disaster strikes. Our 100+ dedicated team members, located across 10 different time zones, are ready to respond through every crisis. Below are some of the key disaster events we have responded to, within just the last few years.



    The power of relief funds.

    Beyond providing financial assistance, sponsoring an employee relief fund has been shown to improve company culture, morale, and productivity. In fact, they are so valued that 47% of employees say they’d consider leaving their current employer for one that sponsors an emergency fund.*

    We asked our grant recipients to share how the assistance they received has impacted their lives. Here's a look at what they said:

    Group 1345

    Felt more positively toward their employer (or the fund sponsor)

    Group 1351

    Felt the grant provided breathing room so they could figure out next steps

    Group 1347

    Felt less stressed or worried overall

    Group 1349

    Felt better able to focus on their work

    Group 1355

    Avoided a late fee on at least one bill

    Group 1357

    Felt better able to focus on their personal relationships

    Group 1361

    Avoided their services or utilities being shut off

    Group 1363

    Avoided eviction or foreclosure (or an eviction/foreclosure notice)

    *2022 Financial Wellness Barometer, Betterment at Work


    Ready to take care of your own?

    Offering disaster and hardship relief for your employees can be quick and easy. Our experts are ready to get you started today, and we'll handle all the hard parts along the way.